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UGAA 回應有關高球車使用的報導

各位AA 同事

就日前有報章報導康文署場地內使用高爾夫球車有可能已違反「運輸署道路交通條例」一事, 本會向部門建議應盡快向前線管理人員發出澄清指示,以免同事被不盡不實報導干擾。
另外,現時 使用的「高爾夫球車使用指引」如無修訂亦應再發放一次給各地區以釋疑團。
今早本會已獲AD(LS)1 回應:部門在日內會有澄清的回覆信給同事。部門亦會借此機會徵詢 運輸署為現時沿用的使用指引(2005年制訂)是否需要完善提出意見。 現階段,本會建議同事日常使用高爾夫球車時跟從部門「使用指引」便可。

政府康樂助理員工會 ( UGAA) 副主席

3 則留言:

  1. It is clear that DLCS has the legal authority to permit the use of vehicles, including golf carts, in pleasure grounds and DLCS has indeed already delegated its authority to ALSMs or above level to permit persons to bring into, and ride, vehicles in a pleasure ground. While under the delegated authority, officers at the ALSMs or above level can permit and arrange for staff to use vehicles including the golf carts or light motor-driven carts in leisure venues.

    However, up to present moment, no any kinds of written consent from ALSMs or above level at 18 Districts were given. In this circumstance, should all colleagues pending for action until the situation is clear at all? I think it is unwise for UGAA's declaration to use the golf carts or any motor driven carts for the time being.

  2. Time flies quickly. Nearly three months have passed but no latest response or clarification from department. Just follow the guideline but lacking of written consent, who will take the risk to operate the golf carts or motor-driven vehicles?

    At Present, wehat kinds of action will UGAA follow up and whether your advice on using the vehicles by following the guideline still in
    practice ?

  3. It is totally a big joke and really ridiculous for the whole incident. This webpage is open but no response and action from
    relevant person till now.
